Saturday, 24 December 2011
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Parish Council By-election 15th December 2011
Following the resignation on health grounds of one of the Parish Councillors the Parish Council was contacted by Chris Newsome with an expression of interest to serve. This was the only contact received by the Parish Council and under normal circumstances would have resulted in an appointment by co-option or if more than one expression of interest had been received a selction would have been made by the council. This would have had no cost to the community.
However under electoral law if ten members of the public request an election one must be held. In this instance ten residents of Chestnut Drive, Gilberdyke, comprising Mike Whitleys family and close neighbours wrote to the East Riding Council calling for an election.
As a result the council taxpayers ended up paying for an election, which in ball park figures is £3000. This money was not budgeted for and will have to be borrowed from other funds then replaced by increasing the precept for next year.
Increasing the precept for next year is not something the Parish Council want to do in times of austerity, so will have to cut back on other expenditure. The £3000 would have gone a long way towards a skate park/BMX facility for the village kids.
Well done to the Chestnut Drive gang of ten - your actions simply jeapordise progress and to hear your hero state in the aftermath of the count (which showed almost three to one majority for Chris Newsome) that he did not expect to win anyway, makes the wasted time, effort, and money almost criminal!
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Drainage project progress
I'm delighted to report that phase 2 of the drainage work is now underway. Completion of phases 2 and 3 will give confidence to those residents of Westbrook Road and Crescent who suffered so drastically during the 2007 flood. Its a great pity that so much delay was caused to the project but luckily no-one, that I am aware of, has had floodwater into their houses since the catastrophic event (although some came pretty close on at least one occasion).
This work in the village is another major step along the way but we must not forget the works still required to complete improvements to the outfall to the River Ouse at Blacktoft.
None of this improvement would have happened without the Parish Council and the Gilberdyke Flood Action Group who had to fight every inch of the way to complete the investigation and obtain the Mason-Clark report which was the instrument in compelling the relevant authorities to act.
Special thanks must go to our ward councillor Paul Robinson for his tireless work in pressing matters forward despite many personal attacks and attempts to obstruct progress.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Standards Board complaint against trusted local councillor
The East Riding Mail carried a report today regarding a complaint against our Gilberdyke Ward Councillor, Paul Robinson.In my personal opinion, the whole issue is a result of Mike Whitley, the complainant, conducting a long running, vexatious campaign against Paul Robinson in particular and Gilberdyke Parish Council in general as can readily be seen by study of the Parish Council minutes and reports in the local press. The saga started in the aftermath of the floods of 2007 when it was discovered that Mr Whitley, against drainage board advice, had installed two 12" pipes as an unofficial culvert into the critical water course carrying the majority of the surface water out of the village. Despite this action contravening more than one act of parliament the authorities tried hard but unsuccessfully to obtain a solution through agreement.Eventually as a last resort, the legal route was used and a legal notice was served on Mr Whitley by the Drainage Board. Subsequently the phase one works were completed, albeit approximately two years after an agreed, co-operative solution would have provided. The delays did result in a higher cost to the community insofar as the loan interest rate rose during the delays and the effects of rising contractor costs also came into play. Personally I would have used the legal notice immediately the obstructive behaviour started but that is now water under the bridge and the recently completed large culvert worked exactly as designed during the last heavy rains this year.
I am not medically qualified so can only give a laymans personal opinion but for Mike Whitley to conduct his ensuing aggressive campaign of misinformation and obstruction to hamper the flood defence work improvements plus personal unfounded attacks on members of the Parish Council I consider shows a considerable degree of paranoia. Readers will not be surprised to learn that the same individual made three failed complaints against me via the Standards Board but each of these was rejected. In addition he has made failed complaints against the chairman of the Parish Council and previous failed complaints against Councillor Robinson. It seems obvious to me that he used the procedure as a free (to him) vehicle to cause disruption and a pattern of vexatious behaviour is established
I am not medically qualified so can only give a laymans personal opinion but for Mike Whitley to conduct his ensuing aggressive campaign of misinformation and obstruction to hamper the flood defence work improvements plus personal unfounded attacks on members of the Parish Council I consider shows a considerable degree of paranoia. Readers will not be surprised to learn that the same individual made three failed complaints against me via the Standards Board but each of these was rejected. In addition he has made failed complaints against the chairman of the Parish Council and previous failed complaints against Councillor Robinson. It seems obvious to me that he used the procedure as a free (to him) vehicle to cause disruption and a pattern of vexatious behaviour is established
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Leatherdog Lane Tip
This ugly blot on our local landscape grows ever higher. Despite a massive objection from residents, planning approval was granted to extend the life of the operation by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. The floodgates immediately opened and a torrent of waste now pours into the site to the gross inconvenience of residents. A supposed height limitation is completely ignored and all we see is the problem being referred to a consultation committee. A classic method of kicking the problem into the long grass used by politicians at every level!
At other landfill tips there is a system of financial contribution to provide some sort of social compensation to the area - for the massive amount of waste going into this tip are the residents of Gilberdyke and Newport going to see any benefit at all? - Answers on a postcard please.
At other landfill tips there is a system of financial contribution to provide some sort of social compensation to the area - for the massive amount of waste going into this tip are the residents of Gilberdyke and Newport going to see any benefit at all? - Answers on a postcard please.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Gilberdyke Drainage - phase 1 update
The first phase of the works is almost complete. The large bore pipe is installed between Scalby Lane/Chestnut Drive and only requires the junction chamber between 6 & 7 Scalby Lane completing. I understand the flap valve at the downstream end is awaiting delivery but there is a clear escape route now for a VERY large volume of water to flow from the village system into Bishopsoil Drain and onwards to the River Ouse.
When the junction chamber is complete the reinstatement of garden fences etc will be carried out then the contractors will move on to phase 2 & 3 which will provide means of drainage for Westbrook Road, Westbrook Crescent and Station Road. The filling in of the original dyke between Westbrook and Bellasize Park had closed off the only route for water to escape from Westbrook Road when the floods of 2007 ocurred.
The Parish Council have resolved to explore ways to take control of the strip of land above the new large bore pipe to prevent unauthorised interference with the system as happened when one resident, against advice, installed two 12" pipes as an amateur culvert in the original dyke
When the junction chamber is complete the reinstatement of garden fences etc will be carried out then the contractors will move on to phase 2 & 3 which will provide means of drainage for Westbrook Road, Westbrook Crescent and Station Road. The filling in of the original dyke between Westbrook and Bellasize Park had closed off the only route for water to escape from Westbrook Road when the floods of 2007 ocurred.
The Parish Council have resolved to explore ways to take control of the strip of land above the new large bore pipe to prevent unauthorised interference with the system as happened when one resident, against advice, installed two 12" pipes as an amateur culvert in the original dyke
Friday, 10 June 2011
War Memorial Hall - Consultation
The consultation document is in printing and should be delivered to every household next week. I hope everyone takes a few minutes to complete their copy and returns it to the hall either by posting it into the hall letter box or returning it to a committee member no later than 30th June.
This is the way to let the trustees know what the community wants from the hall both for the building and for the associated playing field. the results of the consultation will enable the architect to prepare suitable designs for pricing up a replacement for the existing building. Along with the prospect of a modern building, improvements to the play facilities for children may be incorporated in the project (subject to sufficient appropriate grant funding being available).
The costs of the consultation and design works is being met by a Lottery grant from Awards for All.
This is the way to let the trustees know what the community wants from the hall both for the building and for the associated playing field. the results of the consultation will enable the architect to prepare suitable designs for pricing up a replacement for the existing building. Along with the prospect of a modern building, improvements to the play facilities for children may be incorporated in the project (subject to sufficient appropriate grant funding being available).
The costs of the consultation and design works is being met by a Lottery grant from Awards for All.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
A new term for the Parish Council
Following the recent election when the 11 people who voluntarily stood together and campaigned under the banner of Team Gilberdyke were elected, the Annual Parish Meeting, The Annual Parish Council Meeting, and the normal Parish Council monthly meeting were held last night (Tuesday 10th May).
In accordance with standing orders the Annual Parish meeting was chaired by the chair of the Parish Council and 3 minutes per person allowed for points to be raised by any resident of the Parish. The election was the subject of comment particularly from representatives of the Gilberdyke and District Leisure Association who criticised details of the campaign leaflet content and aspects of the support for the GDLA by the Parish Council. Also the failed twelfth candidate alleged that he had been bullied during the campaign apparently because in his mind it was unfair that eleven people had campaigned as a team (despite his own parallel campaign in the county council elections as a member of the labour party which, surely, is also a team).
The meeting concluded at 19.35 upon which the Annual Parish Council meeting was held. This saw the previous chair, Nick Norris re-elected as chair for the coming year and other parish councillors appointed to various duties in the normal manner. The elected councillors signed acceptance of office documents and completed register of interests to be placed on file with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
On completion of this second meetiing the monthly meeting was held and agenda matters discussed. Notably the matter of safe means of crossing Clementhorpe Road for school children when ERYC reported that a traffic survey had been carried out and stated the results did not justify a crossing. The Parish Council reject this decision and it was resolved to continue press for a crossing and ask the ward councillors to do their utmost to ensure one is provided.
The flood works were discussed and it was reported that they were slow to restart following the legal enforcement notices being issued as the contractor was occupied on another job. However men and machines are now back on site and work is underway. A progress report and estimated completion date for phase 1 will be obtained from the Lower Ouse Internal Drainage Board for the next meeting. A number of wild claims and unsubstantiated opinions about the works are still circulating but the works are professionally designed and supervised by the LOIDB therefore the legal enforcement notice was issued and will be applied if necessary.
For further information the minutes of the meeting will be available after the next meeting and will be placed on the parish website at a future date
In accordance with standing orders the Annual Parish meeting was chaired by the chair of the Parish Council and 3 minutes per person allowed for points to be raised by any resident of the Parish. The election was the subject of comment particularly from representatives of the Gilberdyke and District Leisure Association who criticised details of the campaign leaflet content and aspects of the support for the GDLA by the Parish Council. Also the failed twelfth candidate alleged that he had been bullied during the campaign apparently because in his mind it was unfair that eleven people had campaigned as a team (despite his own parallel campaign in the county council elections as a member of the labour party which, surely, is also a team).
The meeting concluded at 19.35 upon which the Annual Parish Council meeting was held. This saw the previous chair, Nick Norris re-elected as chair for the coming year and other parish councillors appointed to various duties in the normal manner. The elected councillors signed acceptance of office documents and completed register of interests to be placed on file with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
On completion of this second meetiing the monthly meeting was held and agenda matters discussed. Notably the matter of safe means of crossing Clementhorpe Road for school children when ERYC reported that a traffic survey had been carried out and stated the results did not justify a crossing. The Parish Council reject this decision and it was resolved to continue press for a crossing and ask the ward councillors to do their utmost to ensure one is provided.
The flood works were discussed and it was reported that they were slow to restart following the legal enforcement notices being issued as the contractor was occupied on another job. However men and machines are now back on site and work is underway. A progress report and estimated completion date for phase 1 will be obtained from the Lower Ouse Internal Drainage Board for the next meeting. A number of wild claims and unsubstantiated opinions about the works are still circulating but the works are professionally designed and supervised by the LOIDB therefore the legal enforcement notice was issued and will be applied if necessary.
For further information the minutes of the meeting will be available after the next meeting and will be placed on the parish website at a future date
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Gilberdyke Parish Council Election TEAM GILBERDYKE
The forthcoming election of Parish Councillors has created an unreal situation in that the misguided individual who has spent the last two and a half years blocking the progress of the flood relief works and trying to discredit the council and its members now wishes to become a councillor. The council is comprised of eleven councillors who are of a variety of political persuasions, UKIP, Lib-Dem, Conservative, Labour etc. some being members of a party, some merely favouring the ideas, but each leaves these leanings at the door of the meetings and act as a body in the best interest of the community.
A total of twelve candidates including the obstructor are standing for election.
The earnest hope of the forward thinking candidates is that the electorate will hand out a resounding rejection of the obstructive individual and they have promoted the concept of TEAM GILBERDYKE. On the voting slip which is in alphabetical order TEAM GILBERDYKE form numbers 1 to 10 and number 12. Your crosses in these and only these boxes is a vote for common sense.
A total of twelve candidates including the obstructor are standing for election.
The earnest hope of the forward thinking candidates is that the electorate will hand out a resounding rejection of the obstructive individual and they have promoted the concept of TEAM GILBERDYKE. On the voting slip which is in alphabetical order TEAM GILBERDYKE form numbers 1 to 10 and number 12. Your crosses in these and only these boxes is a vote for common sense.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Tip conditions are a disgrace
At the April Gilberdyke Parish Council meeting the room was filled with members of the public who were suffering from the effects of rubbish being blown about from the Leatherdog Lane tip. This tip has permission to operate until November 2011 but has applied for planning permission to extend the life by 4 years. Not surprisingly the residents suffering from the windblown debris and the stink are determined that this cannot continue. Having heard the appalling conditions that these residents suffer and the massive number of heavy goods vehicles travelling past their homes I can only support their camapign to close the tip in November and allow peace to return.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
A sad first for Gilberdyke Parish Council
At tonights Parish Council meeting one of the subjects for discussion was a chain email being circulated by a resident of the village. Much of the email was inaccurate and consisted of serious personal attacks on our Ward Councillor who has devoted much time and effort on the needs of our area. The originator of the email was present during the proceedings and disrupted the meeting by his behaviour during the discussion.
Consequently I moved a motion that he be excluded under the standing orders of the council. The motion was unanimously supported by the other councillors present. At that point the chairman then asked him to leave which he did.
This is the first time such an exclusion has happened in a Giberdyke Parish Council meeting and I sincerely hope it will not require repeat.
Consequently I moved a motion that he be excluded under the standing orders of the council. The motion was unanimously supported by the other councillors present. At that point the chairman then asked him to leave which he did.
This is the first time such an exclusion has happened in a Giberdyke Parish Council meeting and I sincerely hope it will not require repeat.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Drainage improvement - an odd development

In connection with the drainage improvement project, apparently one resident is complaining that the footpath alongside the dyke at Coggins Bank has been churned up and fly tipping is going on. Having been to look, the alleged fly tipping is spoil excavated from the drainage works, which has been added to an existing earth bank of soil, well out of the line of the footpath which is along the bank top. The green lane is somewhat rutted and the recent rainfall has made things a bit muddy. Nothing more than the normal agricultural traffic would have made. Drainage Boards are in any case permitted to tip spoil from their drainage works on bank tops or within reach of an excavator boom (approx 30 feet) under the auspices of the 1991 Land Drainage Act.
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Drainage improvements start

The long awaited start is finally here! The contractors (L & K Warkup) started work this morning. The lower photograph shows the first levels being set before digging begins. The old dyke and a digger waiting to start work form the background of the photograph.
The upper photograph was taken on the 4th and shows the early improvement (deeper, wider, and retaining boards installed) to the outfall into Far Drain.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
The demise of the Standards Board
Gilberdyke Parish Council has suffered the attentions of one individual who has made a number of unjustified complaints regarding a number of councillors. I was one of those targetted but in each case the accusations were unfounded and judged as no further action to be taken. The present system is abused as it is being used as a free way to cause grief to the targetted individual councillors. Thankfully it is on its way out and we should see no more of these time wasting and stressful episodes.
Andrew Stunell said:"The Standards Board regime ended up fuelling petty complaints and malicious vendettas. Nearly every council had investigations hanging over them - most of which would be dismissed but not before reputations were damaged and taxpayer money was wasted. Frivolous allegations undermined local democracy and discouraged people from running for public office.
"That's why we are axing the unpopular and unelected standards board regime. Instead we will legislate to ensure that if a councillor is corrupt and abuses their office for personal gain they will be dealt with in the criminal courts. If a councillor behaves ineffectively or irresponsibly then it's a matter for the electorate not an unelected quango.
"This Government is freeing councillors from central prescription and top down bureaucracy so they can get on with their job. In the future councillors must expect to be judged at the ballot box by an electorate with real access to their accounts and personal interests in a new transparent era."
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles added:"The standards board regime became the problem, not the solution. Unsubstantiated and petty allegations, often a storm in a teacup, damaged the reputation and standing of local government, as well as wasting taxpayers' money.
"But by abolishing the failed standards committees we're not letting councillors off the hook. Failure to register or declare an interest, or deliberately seeking to mislead the public about an interest, will become a criminal offence while a newly empowered Local Government Ombudsman will investigate incompetence on behalf local people."
Andrew Stunell said:"The Standards Board regime ended up fuelling petty complaints and malicious vendettas. Nearly every council had investigations hanging over them - most of which would be dismissed but not before reputations were damaged and taxpayer money was wasted. Frivolous allegations undermined local democracy and discouraged people from running for public office.
"That's why we are axing the unpopular and unelected standards board regime. Instead we will legislate to ensure that if a councillor is corrupt and abuses their office for personal gain they will be dealt with in the criminal courts. If a councillor behaves ineffectively or irresponsibly then it's a matter for the electorate not an unelected quango.
"This Government is freeing councillors from central prescription and top down bureaucracy so they can get on with their job. In the future councillors must expect to be judged at the ballot box by an electorate with real access to their accounts and personal interests in a new transparent era."
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles added:"The standards board regime became the problem, not the solution. Unsubstantiated and petty allegations, often a storm in a teacup, damaged the reputation and standing of local government, as well as wasting taxpayers' money.
"But by abolishing the failed standards committees we're not letting councillors off the hook. Failure to register or declare an interest, or deliberately seeking to mislead the public about an interest, will become a criminal offence while a newly empowered Local Government Ombudsman will investigate incompetence on behalf local people."
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Solar Energy PV Arrays and Feed in Tariff
I am not a "greenie" but do think that we could all make better use of the free energy from the sun.
I was alerted to the Feed in Tariff (FIT) for Solar Photovoltaic Microgeneration units by an article in the Howden Matters magazine. Photovoltaic panels convert light into electricity. The figures quoted seemed to be too good to be true and so made further enquiries. To my surprise the data was absolutley correct and a "domestic" i.e. less than 4kW system connected to the mains supply allows the owner to claim 41.3 pence per unit for every unit generated. This electricity is yours to use in your property for free during the period it is being generated (daylight)! If you do not use it the energy is exported to the mains and you receive an additional 3 pence per unit.
There is no need to make any provision for storage such as batteries as the grid becomes the store. During dark periods when you are not generating, your system takes electricity back from the grid at the normal rates, typically around 11 pence a unit or less for E6 off-peak.
The equipment is not cheap although there are options such as allowing a company to mount panels on your roof at their expense. Under this arrangement the company gets the FIT and you get the free daytime electricity. However if it is worth it to them it should be worth it to you!
For a normal domestic situation the cost of the installation should achieve a payback period in the order of ten years and as the price of electricity rises the payback period will reduce. The FIT is guaranteed for 25 years which will give 15 years of profit once the system has paid for itself.
If you have a suitable light and sunny area such as your roof, I thoroughly recommend you look into this for yourselves. Once the payback is achieved all the energy produced in the following 15 or so years is free AND you are paid to produce it.
I was alerted to the Feed in Tariff (FIT) for Solar Photovoltaic Microgeneration units by an article in the Howden Matters magazine. Photovoltaic panels convert light into electricity. The figures quoted seemed to be too good to be true and so made further enquiries. To my surprise the data was absolutley correct and a "domestic" i.e. less than 4kW system connected to the mains supply allows the owner to claim 41.3 pence per unit for every unit generated. This electricity is yours to use in your property for free during the period it is being generated (daylight)! If you do not use it the energy is exported to the mains and you receive an additional 3 pence per unit.
There is no need to make any provision for storage such as batteries as the grid becomes the store. During dark periods when you are not generating, your system takes electricity back from the grid at the normal rates, typically around 11 pence a unit or less for E6 off-peak.
The equipment is not cheap although there are options such as allowing a company to mount panels on your roof at their expense. Under this arrangement the company gets the FIT and you get the free daytime electricity. However if it is worth it to them it should be worth it to you!
For a normal domestic situation the cost of the installation should achieve a payback period in the order of ten years and as the price of electricity rises the payback period will reduce. The FIT is guaranteed for 25 years which will give 15 years of profit once the system has paid for itself.
If you have a suitable light and sunny area such as your roof, I thoroughly recommend you look into this for yourselves. Once the payback is achieved all the energy produced in the following 15 or so years is free AND you are paid to produce it.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Progress in sight
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