Tuesday, 8 February 2011

A sad first for Gilberdyke Parish Council

At tonights Parish Council meeting one of the subjects for discussion was a chain email being circulated by a resident of the village. Much of the email was inaccurate and consisted of serious personal attacks on our Ward Councillor who has devoted much time and effort on the needs of our area. The originator of the email was present during the proceedings and disrupted the meeting by his behaviour during the discussion.
Consequently I moved a motion that he be excluded under the standing orders of the council. The motion was unanimously supported by the other councillors present. At that point the chairman then asked him to leave which he did.
This is the first time such an exclusion has happened in a Giberdyke Parish Council meeting and I sincerely hope it will not require repeat.


  1. It should also mention John that the email/letter was not only sent to people within Gilberdyke but also surrounding villages. It did not show Gilberdyke in a very good light. The person who has sent this email/letter has shown himself to be vindictive towards one parish councillor, and very anti parish council and from the sounds of it doesn't like Gilberdyke. You have to wonder why he continues to live there!! i say well done Parish Council and it's just a shame they don't bring back xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I am sorry but I had to edit your post. I cannot encourage violence.
