Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Gritting in Gilberdyke

Following the Snow and its subsequent compaction into ice on the side roads and footpaths of the village many residents were struggling to get around or even to remain upright in places. East Riding County Council were working flat out to maintain the main routes open and could not give realistic dates for any clearance or gritting of these areas.
The Parish Council purchased gritsalt and by use of a borrowed trailer and Paul Robinsons 4 wheel drive Toyota, community volunteers undertook spreading on the worst sections. The footpath from Wards Hotel to the junction near the medical centre were gritted. Hansard Drive (where even the 4 wheel drive had trouble moving) Greenacre Park, Westbrook, and much of Bellasize were treated before the supplies were used up, stopping work.
This will hopefully enable mums and children to access the school and shops with less risk of falling. It was noticeable that a number of people were quick to thank the team for their efforts but one person seemed unable to grasp that the volunteers were not to blame for the ice and had a good old moan - there is always one!

1 comment:

  1. Paul Robinson works tirelessly for the good of the community.
    We all owe him a massive debt of thanks
