Monday, 25 June 2012

Environmentally UN-FRIENDLY

Ok so the title is plagiarised from the Ombudsmans report into the sadly lacking performance of the Environment Agency and Local Councils at the other side of the Pennines (I leave the reader to look this Ombudsmans report up). However the situation is remarkably similar to that we see in Gilberdyke and Newport where the EA studiously ignored the opening up of the completed parts of the height-compliant parts of the Leatherdog Lane landfill site, followed by the pouring in of a torrent of waste from far and wide until the height was approximately three times the consented limit (it reached 23 metres at one point before being reduced).
The East Riding Council ignored the situation until far too late and even now refuse to take enforcement action against the operators of the tip. It seems they want to "negotiate" which in reality means the officers continue to draw their salaries whilst the torrent of waste continues. The "Mountains of Gilberdyke" which should be hidden by the hedge/trees can be seen soaring above the tops of this screen and are absolutely out of place in the surrounding flat landscape.

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