Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A new term for the Parish Council

Following the recent election when the 11 people who voluntarily stood together and campaigned under the banner of Team Gilberdyke were elected, the Annual Parish Meeting, The Annual Parish Council Meeting, and the normal Parish Council monthly meeting were held last night (Tuesday 10th May).
In accordance with standing orders the Annual Parish meeting was chaired by the chair of the Parish Council and 3 minutes per person allowed for points to be raised by any resident of the Parish. The election was the subject of comment particularly from representatives of the Gilberdyke and District Leisure Association who criticised details of the campaign leaflet content and aspects of the support for the GDLA by the Parish Council. Also the failed twelfth candidate alleged that he had been bullied during the campaign apparently because in his mind it was unfair that eleven people had campaigned as a team (despite his own parallel campaign in the county council elections as a member of the labour party which, surely, is also a team).
The meeting concluded at 19.35 upon which the Annual Parish Council meeting was held. This saw the previous chair, Nick Norris re-elected as chair for the coming year and other parish councillors appointed to various duties in the normal manner. The elected councillors signed acceptance of office documents and completed register of interests to be placed on file with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
On completion of this second meetiing the monthly meeting was held and agenda matters discussed. Notably the matter of safe means of crossing Clementhorpe Road for school children when ERYC reported that a traffic survey had been carried out and stated the results did not justify a crossing. The Parish Council reject this decision and it was resolved to continue press for a crossing and ask the ward councillors to do their utmost to ensure one is provided.
The flood works were discussed and it was reported that they were slow to restart following the legal enforcement notices being issued as the contractor was occupied on another job. However men and machines are now back on site and work is underway. A progress report and estimated completion date for phase 1 will be obtained from the Lower Ouse Internal Drainage Board for the next meeting. A number of wild claims and unsubstantiated opinions about the works are still circulating but the works are professionally designed and supervised by the LOIDB therefore the legal enforcement notice was issued and will be applied if necessary.
For further information the minutes of the meeting will be available after the next meeting and will be placed on the parish website at a future date

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Gilberdyke Parish Council Election TEAM GILBERDYKE

The forthcoming election of Parish Councillors has created an unreal situation in that the misguided individual who has spent the last two and a half years blocking the progress of the flood relief works and trying to discredit the council and its members now wishes to become a councillor. The council is comprised of eleven councillors who are of a variety of political persuasions, UKIP, Lib-Dem, Conservative, Labour etc. some being members of a party, some merely favouring the ideas, but each leaves these leanings at the door of the meetings and act as a body in the best interest of the community.
A total of twelve candidates including the obstructor are standing for election.
The earnest hope of the forward thinking candidates is that the electorate will hand out a resounding rejection of the obstructive individual and they have promoted the concept of TEAM GILBERDYKE. On the voting slip which is in alphabetical order TEAM GILBERDYKE form numbers 1 to 10 and number 12. Your crosses in these and only these boxes is a vote for common sense.